Friday, May 1, 2009

Sleep Soundly, For Tomorrow We Run

Everything is set, I have all the supplies for Saturday's run, we have a plan, we're all on the same page, I can sleep peacefully, without worry. I drift off...

In my dream, I woke up in a panic. What time am I supposed to be at the run? 6:30am. I look at my clock. It's 6:25! Why didn't I set my alarm? They're counting on me, I'm going to be late. I jump out of bed and run to the dresser to get my running gear. I open the drawer but it's full of nothing but boxer shorts. I open another. There it is. I grab a pair of running shorts and slip them on, but they don't fit, it's like they're 4 sizes too small. I'm hopping around the bedroom trying to get them on and the room goes all squirmy. Just when I think, this is just like those dreams I have, I realize it is

I wake up.

From my bed I can see it's only 5am. Good, I have plenty of time. I turn on the light, get up and head into the kitchen for coffee. That's when it really hits me.

The run isn't until tomorrow.

I turn around and go back to bed.

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