Tuesday, October 7, 2008


For the first two miles I was wondering if the title of my next blog post would be "No PR For Me!" That is what a big dork I am. A beautiful day, fresh air, vibrant crowds, rock-n-roll bands, the purity of running, and I'm thinking about my computer. More to my worry, my legs felt stiff, especially my left leg, adding to the fact that I hadn't trained quite as hard as I planned. Putting that aside, I figured I'd run at my target pace for a while and see what happens.

After a few miles I loosened up. After a few more miles I really started to relax. The last half of the race I was totally relaxed and feeling good. The whole race I figured I'd keep up my target pace for a while longer and see what happened.

By mile 12 I knew I had a personal best. All I had to do was keep it up and the question was how fast could I actually do it. Stay relaxed and loose. Micro-adjustments to my stride and posture as needed.

As I rounded the second to last corner the band started playing "Fortunate Son." Adrenaline tingled up and down my spine. All I saw was the finish line banner, running hard as I could to bring it in. Stomach cramps be damned. After walking that off, and enjoying a banana, yogurt, and fruit cup, we sat out on the grass with free beer. That's a good race.

Considering I was partially composing this post on the run, I took long enough to actually write it.

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