Tuesday, August 19, 2008

All The Things That Get In The Way (really don't)

It's shaping up to be a busy week. By mid Monday morning my to-do list at work took up half a page. Then it was off to a talk by the inventor of a popular application framework, and in between I got in 20 minutes of cardio and half an hour of weights, plus core, plus I got everything ready for my 7am run the next morning, not to mention regular blog posts (something I never got around to doing the first time). I'm watching my DVR fill up with more Olympics coverage than I could ever possibly watch. I have two computers running, I have three books to read, a hundred programming exercises to complete, and that other thing which may or may not amount to anything at all, it really could. I've completed two pages of diagrams and two pages of written specifications so far tonight. I still have to decide when and what my next hour of cross-training will be. All in all, things are right on schedule. Two half marathons in October, a full marathon in November.

Most running books talk about the psychological component of such undertakings. When I step back and look at a mountain, it's big. Sometimes when I'm thinking about the goals I set, and everything it takes to get there, it seems impossible. Yet as soon as I dive in, concentrating on whatever small part I'm doing right now, a lot of things go pretty quick. Maybe that's something I can learn from a 26.2 mile perspective on things. On a map it looks impossible, but wherever I find myself on the course, the next few steps are right there in front of me.

Hey, I got this far, right?

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